Saturday, September 6, 2008

Jacob's First Game

Michael took Jacob to his first GA Bulldog game last weekend. He was so excited. As you can see, he got all decked out in his GA attire and then we added the tattoos to enhance the look. When our friend Jimmy came to pick up the guys, his 4 year old daughter jumped out of the car. She was in her GA cheerleading uniform with tats on both cheeks! She was sooo darn cute! I can just imagine Mike and Jimmy walking through that place with their two little cuties!! Of course GA did win the game, but Jake said "The best part was getting to see Uga (the dog) with MY own eyes!"

Ready to go...

My little fan....

Jimmy's Expedition-all ready to go!!
There were magnets down the other side, too!

1 comment:

The Blocksom Family said...

I bet that was an interesting game! To have been a fly on the wall with those 2 kids in tow. :)